Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
Help Feed our Hungry Neighbors- May 21
On May 21, we have the opportunity to provide lunch to our homeless and food insecure neighbors in White Center at The Welcome Table Saturday meal. To get details about the meal and to sign up as a volunteer to help onsite during the meal and/or provide part of the meal, click here.
If you can assist on site, it would be greatly appreciated! Please sign up on the volunteer form if you are able to do any of the following:
• Set up tables starting at 11am
• Welcome guests and point them in the right direction
• Serve food and/or help at a supply station (there are multiple tables for clothing, food pantry, toiletries, etc.)
• Break down tables and put away supplies afterward. We typically finish around 1:30.
• Come for an hour or the whole time, all are welcome and appreciated!
Annual Stewardship Campaign Nearing the Finish Line
We’re nearing the end of this year’s Sacred Connections Stewardship Campaign. Pledged giving allows us to be intentional in shaping our budget for the upcoming (July 1 – June 30) program year, and we ask you to prayerfully consider your pledge. For those who prefer, we also offer an option to make a renewable six-month pledge for July 1 to December 31.
Please complete your pledge card and mail it or bring it to the church on May 15, Celebration Sunday. You may also send an email to treasurer@fauntleroyucc.org with your pledge information. Because our spring planning calendar is compressed, it would be very helpful if you would return your pledge by May 12. If you have any questions, please reach out to one of us on the Stewardship Committee.
And don’t forget to mark your calendars for May 15, when we look forward to a celebration of our collective commitments and the ministry of love and bonds of sacred connection that are strengthened when our gifts flow generously from our love of God.
Your Stewardship Committee: Glenn Seaverns (Glenn@safesys.com), Molly Seaverns, Pastor Karyn Frazier, Lee Mahoney, Steve Sundquist
Calling All Volunteers
Every spring, except for the last two years, our church publishes a volunteer survey during the stewardship season. It includes a snapshot of the diverse ways people can be involved in the life and work of our church. By taking the survey, individuals let us know where their interests, time and talents intersect for service and fellowship. The survey helps to us to see where we have volunteer momentum and where we don’t. It also gives us a starting group to reach out to when new opportunities come up. Here’s what a few church members have to say about volunteering and being involved at our church:
“As a volunteer at Fauntleroy Church I have served inside the church (on several Ministries, as Moderator, as a proud member of the world famous DAM Ukulele band) and outside our walls (helping prepare and serve a community meal at the Welcome Table). It’s been a great way to support a faith community that has given so much to our family and has introduced me to so many of the awesome members of our church.” -Zack H.
“Every volunteer task I’ve taken on at church has helped me get to know other church members, taught me something new, made me feel useful, and expanded my sense of purpose as I strive to follow the exceptional example of Jesus. Right now, I am volunteering in the nursery on Sundays and participating in the Immigration Task Force with some additional support for the Iranian refugee who Fauntleroy Church is sponsoring. Everyone has the ability to help, and I encourage all to give volunteering a try!”
- Maria G.
“I volunteer because I think it’s important to connect with other members of the congregation outside of worship. It’s an easy way to get to know folks and deepen my commitment to living out the Gospel with other people who want to do good in the world.” -David W.
“When I first joined the church, I was asked to join the Tue. Fixit Group. While we did fix stuff around the church in the morning, the highlight was going to lunch together. The fixit group disbanded but the social group lives on. We now get together for lunch on Mondays. Anyone from the church is invited. Please contact Dean if you want to be added to the group email. We are mostly men (the men’s group the Church does not have) but women are welcomed, and several have attended. We talk about anything but mostly get to know each other.” -Dean T.
Volunteers are needed in supporting, mentoring, and leading roles for short-term, long-term, one-time, and on-going needs. Please prayerfully consider the ways in which the Holy Spirit is moving you to be involved in the life and work of Fauntleroy Church while also building sacred connections with God and each other in the coming year. Fill out the survey online here or pick up a paper copy to fill out at the church.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, as you consider how you would like to be involved! Have questions? See the FAQ below or reach out for a chat.
Sarah Ackers
Volunteer & Engagement Coordinator
Who should fill out the survey? Everyone who is a part of Fauntleroy Church. There are volunteer opportunities for pre-teens through adults.
I’m planning on doing the same things I’m already doing. Do I need to fill it out again? Yes, please fill out the new survey. It has changed a lot! There are many more opportunities to consider. Plus, by filling out the survey, we know that you want to continue in your current volunteer roles.
Can I fill out one survey for my whole family? Please fill out one form per person in your family. In most families, the individuals have different volunteer interests.
Should I fill out the survey online or in paper form? If you are willing to do either, please fill out the survey online. It’s a big time saver for the staff!
What do you do with the information gathered on the survey? When volunteers are needed for specific projects or tasks, our volunteer coordinator uses the survey responses to narrow in on a group of people to approach first.
Am I committed to volunteering for the things I check on the survey? No. By checking a box on the survey, you are simply expressing an interest in a particular volunteer opportunity. You are not making a commitment.
I’m not sure what some of the tasks on the survey entail. Who should I contact to learn more? Reach out to our Volunteer and Engagement Coordinator, Sarah Ackers. She’ll put you in contact with the right person/group.
Sunday Morning Hybrid Worship Service - May 8
Women's Retreat 2022
WoW Wrap-up
Sunday Morning Hybrid Worship Service - May 1
Taste & See- May 15th
Are you considering joining Fauntleroy Church as a member or would just like to learn more about the congregation while making some connections with other members, visitors and friends of the church? Come “taste and see” what we’re all about! The next “Taste & See” event will take place in-person, following worship on May 15th. We will meet in-person for a building tour, share the history of the UCC denomination and of Fauntleroy Church, learn about how we govern ourselves, and have lunch together while getting to know each other. Lunch will be provided by the church. Please contact Sarah (sarah.ackers@fauntleroyucc.org) in the church office by May 8th if you would like to participate. Childcare can be provided upon early request.
Ready to Join?
On May 8th and June 5th, we will be welcoming new members to the church during worship. If you are interested in joining the church on one of these dates or have questions about joining, please contact Sarah Ackers (sarah.ackers@fauntleroyucc.org).
Stewardship 2022 Update
By now you should have received in the mail your annual packet of information from the Stewardship Committee. Our campaign theme is “Sacred Connections”, because we’ve discovered new ways to create and deepen our connections to God and to one another. The pandemic has reinforced for all of us just how meaningful shared connections are in life. At Fauntleroy Church, we have formed those connections with our welcome, prayers, sharing, and caring for each other wherever we are. We have also formed them through our shared commitment to mission and outreach, a commitment that is growing with our focus on mission as the work of the whole church rather than a single committee. We anticipate additional discovery as more of us return to the sanctuary and our traditional in-person gatherings, and as we also deepen and expand our connections online.
We hope the packet provides you with the information you need to prayerfully consider an annual financial pledge to the church. We will add to that information with additional articles and stewardship speakers in the coming weeks. We encourage early pledging so that there is sufficient time to plan what more we can do together, and to prepare for the Annual Meeting in June. Plan to attend a gathering after worship, (on-line and in-person), on May 1 to ask your budget and pledging questions of our church treasurer, Jeff VanGilder, and please return your pledges before Giving Sunday, May 15, when we look forward to a celebration of our collective commitments.
Your Stewardship Committee: Glenn Seaverns, Molly Seaverns, Pastor Karyn Frazier, Lee Mahoney, Steve Sundquist
Help Feed our Hungry Neighbors!
On April 16, we have the opportunity to provide lunch to our homeless and food insecure neighbors in White Center at The Welcome Table Saturday meal. To get details about the meal and to sign up as a volunteer to help onsite during the meal and/or provide part of the meal, click here. If you can assist on site, it would be greatly appreciated! Please sign up on the volunteer form if you are able to do any of the following:
• Set up tables starting at 11am
• Welcome guests and point them in the right direction
• Serve food and/or help at a supply station (there are multiple tables for clothing, food pantry, toiletries, etc.)
• Break down tables and put away supplies afterward. We typically finish around 1:30.
• Come for an hour or the whole time, all are welcome and appreciated!
Note that we will now be providing the meal on the 3rd Saturday of the month for the remainder of 2022!
Stewardship 2022
Soon you will receive in the mail your annual packet of information from the Stewardship Committee. This year’s campaign theme is “Sacred Connections”, which reflects our experience in this transitional time. Over the course of the past year, our understanding of how we can create and deepen our connection to God and to one another has grown. As we look ahead we can imagine further discovery, as more of us return to the sanctuary and our traditional in-person gatherings, and as we also continue to deepen and expand our connections online.
Our annual Stewardship campaign intends to provide you with the information you need to prayerfully consider an annual financial pledge to the church. Pledging enables our staff and Committees to build a budget and plans that will support the vibrant ministries of this church, and we would love to have you participate. Because our spring calendar is compressed, we encourage you to pledge early so that we can gain a clearer picture of all that’s possible. We hope that the information in the packet, articles, and Sunday stewardship speakers will answer your questions, but if not, we encourage you to attend a short Q&A session after worship (on-line and in-person) on May 1 with our church treasurer Jeff VanGilder. Celebration Sunday will be May 15, and we look forward to that service being a special opportunity to celebrate the faith and generosity of our church family.
Your Stewardship Committee: Glenn Seaverns, Molly Seaverns, Karyn Frazier, Lee Mahoney, Steve Sundquist
Sunday Morning Hybrid Worship Service - April 10
Recycle Roundup April 24
Our popular Recycle Roundup will be back on Sunday, April 24, 9 am - 3 pm in our main parking lot. The crew from 1 Green Planet will have a busy day serving all comers, whether you bring a bagful on a bicycle or a whole truckload. The list of what you may bring for free, responsible recycling is longer this spring and the list of what not to bring is shorter. Find the poster here and pass it along to your neighbors!