Communion — Fauntleroy Church, UCC in West Seattle

What is Communion?

Communion is one of two sacraments recognized and practiced by the United Church of Christ and Fauntleroy Church. “Sacrament” means a holy or sacred act that is engaged in our practice of faith. 

The sacrament of communion generally takes place near the end of worship, as we turn our thoughts toward departing from the worship space to carry our worship into our daily lives. During communion, a pastor and lay person invite us to remember Jesus' last meal with his disciples and how he invited the disciples to take his life and make it more and more a part of their own lives. As Jesus' modern-day disciples, we too accept this invitation when we partake of the bread (representing his body) and the juice (representing his life blood). The sacrament is engaged in community, recognizing that we, though many, are one body -- Christ's body in the world today. 

How and when we celebrate the meal

We usually celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month unless something is happening that necessitates us moving it forward or back a week. We also serve communion at our 11PM Christmas Eve service. 

The people of the congregation are dismissed from the pews by ushers to come forward in a line, take a piece of bread and a small chalice of grape juice, and return to their seats via the side aisles. Once everyone has been served, a pastor invites us to eat and drink together.  

Whom we welcome at the table

We come to the table at Christ's invitation and by God's grace and love that     invites us, no matter who we are or where we are on life's journey.        

Recognizing and honoring this belief, Fauntleroy Church practices an "open communion table." At our open communion table, you do not need to be a member of this church (or any church) to participate. You do not need to be of a certain age or mental capacity that you completely understand the sacrament. You do not need to have your faith all figured out or be leading the kind of life you feel deserving of God's love. If you desire simply to better know Christ and the community of God's people, then let that desire bring you to the table, knowing that Christ welcomes you here. 

What is served

We serve pre-cut gluten free bread cubes and grape juice served in small, individual chalices.