Stewardship 2022

Soon you will receive in the mail your annual packet of information from the Stewardship Committee.  This year’s campaign theme is “Sacred Connections”, which reflects our experience in this transitional time.  Over the course of the past year, our understanding of how we can create and deepen our connection to God and to one another has grown.  As we look ahead we can imagine further discovery, as more of us return to the sanctuary and our traditional in-person gatherings, and as we also continue to deepen and expand our connections online. 

Our annual Stewardship campaign intends to provide you with the information you need to prayerfully consider an annual financial pledge to the church.  Pledging enables our staff and Committees to build a budget and plans that will support the vibrant ministries of this church, and we would love to have you participate.  Because our spring calendar is compressed, we encourage you to pledge early so that we can gain a clearer picture of all that’s possible.  We hope that the information in the packet, articles, and Sunday stewardship speakers will answer your questions, but if not, we encourage you to attend a short Q&A session after worship (on-line and in-person) on May 1 with our church treasurer Jeff VanGilder.  Celebration Sunday will be May 15, and we look forward to that service being a special opportunity to celebrate the faith and generosity of our church family.  

Your Stewardship Committee: Glenn Seaverns, Molly Seaverns, Karyn Frazier, Lee Mahoney, Steve Sundquist