Stewardship 2022 Update

By now you should have received in the mail your annual packet of information from the Stewardship Committee.  Our campaign theme is “Sacred Connections”, because we’ve discovered new ways to create and deepen our connections to God and to one another.  The pandemic has reinforced for all of us just how meaningful shared connections are in life.  At Fauntleroy Church, we have formed those connections with our welcome, prayers, sharing, and caring for each other wherever we are.  We have also formed them through our shared commitment to mission and outreach, a commitment that is growing with our focus on mission as the work of the whole church rather than a single committee.  We anticipate additional discovery as more of us return to the sanctuary and our traditional in-person gatherings, and as we also deepen and expand our connections online.

We hope the packet provides you with the information you need to prayerfully consider an annual financial pledge to the church.  We will add to that information with additional articles and stewardship speakers in the coming weeks.  We encourage early pledging so that there is sufficient time to plan what more we can do together, and to prepare for the Annual Meeting in June.  Plan to attend a gathering after worship, (on-line and in-person), on May 1 to ask your budget and pledging questions of our church treasurer, Jeff VanGilder, and please return your pledges before Giving Sunday, May 15, when we look forward to a celebration of our collective commitments.

Your Stewardship Committee: Glenn Seaverns, Molly Seaverns, Pastor Karyn Frazier, Lee Mahoney, Steve Sundquist