Supporting Worship
During this regathering time, the ways you might support the worship experience may differ from the descriptions that follow. If you might be interested in doing one of the tasks, contact Volunteer Engagement Coordinator Sarah Ackers and she will tell you how that task might be different.
A/V assistants: On Sundays and for special services, we use our enhanced audio-visual capabilities to ensure that everyone in the sanctuary can hear the service and that everyone at home can be present online. Each type of assistant can expect to serve several times a year.
An audio assistant sitting in the pews controls microphone levels electronically so that all worshipers in the sanctuary can hear. A bit of training is all you’ll need.
A video assistant sitting in our control room manipulates cameras mounted throughout the sanctuary so that worshipers watching at home or later on YouTube can view as well as hear all the action. When the service ends, this volunteer posts it to YouTube. When requested by worship leaders, this volunteer also works the controls to show videos in the sanctuary on our rear-projected screen.
Ushering: Ushers prepare the sanctuary before Sunday service by placing candles, paraments, welcome pads, special-offering envelopes, microphones, hearing devices, and any items needed that day. Ushers greet people, distribute bulletins and other materials, and assist those who need help getting to or exiting a seat. Ushers also collect the offering and help with communion. After the service, they stow items used during the service and clear anything left in the sanctuary. Usher teams rotate such that each team serves about eight times per year.
Additional ushers are needed for monthly communion and during special services a few times a year. If you feel called to reflect the contemplative dignity of communion and to enhance the experience for all, you’re welcome to join a team to serve two to three times a year.
“Self-serve” communion is our usual practice. Teams hold plates of bread and chalices of grape juice as individuals come forward to dip a piece of bread into the juice. You may be asked to offer a blessing to each person, such as "the body of Christ, broken for you." One team takes the elements to those unable to come forward.
Liturgists: If you have a clear voice and like to speak in front of large groups, become a liturgist! During Sunday worship, a liturgist supports the pastor by guiding the congregation through the order of service - announcing hymns, reading scripture, and leading unison prayers. This commitment is about twice per year.
Hospitality: Many elements go into our extravagant welcome on Sunday mornings. While individuals extend the warm hand of Christian fellowship, others carry out specific tasks.
Working in teams of two, greeters put on their best smiles and extend the hand of hospitality to everyone who comes through the sanctuary door on Sunday mornings and at special services (such as Christmas Eve). They also keep an eye out for newcomers to direct to our welcome table. Take this assignment as often as you like.
Our welcome table extends hospitality beyond the brief greeting at the door. Those who staff this table offer visitors a name tag and answer questions about our nursery, for example, or what happens after the worship service. If you are outgoing and willing to share your knowledge of the church (or learn as you go!), offer to staff this table as often as you like.
Every Sunday, flowers greet people as they come through the sanctuary door into the narthex. Whether clipped from a home landscape or purchased, flowers say “Welcome!” as only flowers can and may at the same time recognize a special day or memorialize a loved one. Sign up to provide flowers as often as you like at our “get involved table” in the narthex.
Announcements at the start of Sunday worship briefly call attention to key upcoming events as detailed in the bulletin, to anything new that didn’t get into the bulletin, and to the attendance pads that enable us to record how many were in worship and be in touch with folks who have not attended for awhile. If you like to speak in public and want to help keep the congregation informed, sign up as often as you want to give announcements.
The “get involved table” in our narthex is where people sign up for a wide variety of events and projects. Those who staff this table arrive a few minutes before the end of worship on Sunday mornings, check out what’s currently on the table, and help people find the sign-up sheet they need.
Every Sunday, a nursery attendant works with our nursery supervisor to provide hospitality to babies and toddlers during worship. This unique ministry enables parents to participate fully in the service and builds a foundation of welcome from the earliest age. Volunteer for this assignment if you enjoy young children and are physically able to interact with them. We do a background check on volunteer attendants 18 years of age and older. You might also consider signing up to provide child care during church events; parents may request this service and we pay those who provide it.