Rev. Leah Atkinson Bilinski
Senior Pastor
Rev. Leah Atkinson Bilinski has been an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ since 2009. In 1999, she received a B.A. in anthropology and an elementary teaching certificate from Grinnell College but soon turned to ministry, initially as youth director at St. John UCC in St. Charles, Missouri. In 2004, she enrolled full-time at Eden Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri, and earned her M.Div. in 2007. She became acting youth coordinator for UCC’s Missouri Mid-South Conference, then accepted a call to her first pastorate, at St. Peter’s UCC in Washington, Missouri. Leah became senior pastor at Fauntleroy Church UCC in fall 2015.
Rev. Karyn Frazier
Associate Pastor
Karyn earned her M.Div. from Seattle University in 2018 and was ordained in 2019, all of which she accomplished while directing our dynamic learning ministry for all ages. With a degree in secondary education from UC Berkeley and graduate studies at UCLA, she taught for many years before coming to “a Spirit-led bend in the road.”
Bronwyn Edwards
Music Director
Since joining the staff in 2008, Bron has cultivated her reputation as a musical catalyst, enabling music lovers of all ages and skill levels to pursue their passion. As a composer, teacher, music director, and mentor, she has forged an energetic and inclusive program that includes choral and ensemble music, children's music, and handbells. From September to June, Bron directs our non-audition chancel choir of singers and instrumentalists. Our adult bell choir performs primarily in the fall and young children are invited to perform with our rainbow bells.
Carol Gilderoy
Children & Youth Ministries Coordinator
Carol has been a part of the UCC for 27 years. She was confirmed at Alki UCC, where she also worked as the Nursery Attendant. Most recently, Carol was a member at Wayside UCC, where she wore many hats: Wedding Coordinator, Sunday School volunteer, Fellowship Co-Chair, and Church Moderator.
Carol is currently a paraeducator in the Federal Way School District, floating between four kindergarten classrooms, offering support to the teachers by assisting with classroom management, caring for children with behavior-related needs, and tutoring students who need extra help with the lessons. When schools closed, she found herself teaching and supporting K-5th graders on-line and in all new ways.
Sarah Ackers
Volunteer and Engagement Coordinator
In 2004 when Sarah and her husband, Ben, were looking for a wedding venue, they found not only a picturesque sanctuary but a spiritual home at Fauntleroy Church. They soon had ample opportunity to put their skills and passions to work. As volunteer and engagement coordinator, Sarah helps those who regularly attend Fauntleroy Church identify ways to be as active as they want to be within the congregation and in service to others. Sarah also serves our faith community by managing the newsletters and church life communications.
Pat Gedney
Pat is one of our two part-time financial assistants and is often the go-to person for money-related questions. She and her late husband Bob joined Fauntleroy Church in 1990 and soon became very active.
She is well acquainted with virtually every aspect of our common life, including worship, facilities, and finance ministries, personnel, and council. Her business and organizational skills have been central to such key events as our annual 2nd Time Sale and the Fauntleroy Fine Art & Holiday Gift Show.
Aimee Pinckney
Aimee is one of our two part-time financial assistants. She began attending Fauntleroy Church in 2004 and all four of her children have since been active in our Sunday school and youth group.
She also works as a substitute teacher in area schools and has shared her education expertise with the congregation as a teacher in our Sunday school and member of our Christian Education Ministry.