
Bins of Happiness

The Immigration Task Force a few months ago issued an appeal to help the refugee families at the Riverton Park Methodist shelter who are now working and moving into their first true homes in America.

The Kitchen Welcome Bins we asked you to fill included about 50 essential items, from pots and pans, dishes and glasses to knives and can openers, needed in every new household kitchen

So, what has been the response?

Unbelievable. Overflowing bins have arrived from individuals, from local churches, retirement homes, couples, and families. Grandparents have assembled bins with their grandchildren, women have reached out to club friends, and assembly parties have been mounted at some churches. One woman asked for a bin and delivered enough stuff for four (“I have a lot of friends,” she said). Neighbors in West Seattle heard about the drive and asked for a bin. Some used the drive as appeals during Thanksgiving and Christmas in lieu of presents.

And then there were the stories we heard when the bins were returned. It was so fulfilling, so meaningful, so important both to individuals and entire families. We asked that the bins include sealed welcoming letters to these new America arrivals and our only clue on the contents is that they have been as warm and generous as the appeal’s response.

So far dozens of bins have arrived and are being distributed. This drive has produced so many gifts beyond just the delivery of the kitchen items. It has brought new hope and faith in a time of great darkness, fear, and foreboding. Thank you for your amazing generosity.

Update: Kitchen and Bath Kits Ready for Afghan Refugees

Knowing that Afghan refugees will be arriving soon in this area, Fauntleroy Church joined the faith community’s circle of caring on Oct. 10 by assembling kitchen and bath starter kits. Church members and friends filled 50 bins with new essentials (cookware, bowls, can openers, towels, etc.) to help them settle into their first housing here. Lutheran Community Services in Tacoma will dispense our bins, each with a welcome note colored by our children. Email to learn more about the work of our Immigration Task Force.
