Sunday School from Home - February 10, 2021

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Dear Friends,

This week’s focus scripture is Mark 9:1-10, which is the story of the Transfiguration of Christ. The scene is set on what many think is Mount Hermon, the highest peak in Syro-Palestine. Here God’s time and Israel’s story collapse into this very present moment when God and Jesus are so close that the glory of one is reflected off the other until you can’t tell where one ends and the other begins and where the earth ends and heaven begins. Our Celtic ancestors would have called that “a thin space,” when the veil between the visible world and the invisible lifts just a bit.

If we had climbed the mountain with Peter, James, and John, and if we’d looked over Jesus’ shoulder, we would have been able to see how far we had come since Jesus was baptized in the Jordan, and we would have seen where we still needed to go on this faith journey. The cross is just visible on the horizon.

This week’s story is a deep, luminous, awe-some pause to catch our breath before heading “down the mountain” and into our Lenten season of refection, repentance, and recentering.

Lent begins with Ash Wed. on Feb. 17. Here are several ways we can walk the Lenten journey of transformation in community:

  • FEB. 17, BEGINNING AT 4:30: Ash Wednesday Drive-thru Devotion

Pastoral Intern Stevi Hamill and I invite you to drive by the church to receive ashes, a bit of communion, a blessing, and some Lent at Home resources to take you through this season. Be sure to wear your masks and only come by if you are feeling healthy. When you drive up, we’ll offer you some ashes that you can safely share with those you’re with or we’ll carefully help you if you drive up by yourself. All and all ages are welcome.

  • FEB 21, 10AM: First Sunday of Lent and a different kind of morning worship

On Feb. 21, instead of a webinar worship, we’ll be offering a special, sometimes slightly chaotic, ZOOM Meeting worship at 10AM to “be with” and see each other face to face as we begin the season of Lent. Our theme for this worship is “Belovedness,” and our joy will be welcoming new members to the church! Look for a different ZOOM Meeting link in the Highlights next Thursday.

  • FEB. 21, 6PM (and each Sunday of Lent): Soup Supper Devotion Time

Every Sunday evening of Lent, we invite you to set your end of the Fauntleroy Church supper table and engage in some table talk about walking God’s loving Way. These shorter devotion times are casual and meaningful for all ages and an opportunity to break bread together. The ZOOM link for these evening worships will be in next Thursday’s Highlights.

NOTE: We’ll use the materials in the “Lent at Home” bags as simple touchstones for these evenings. (And there are soup recipes included to try out for your supper!) You can pick up your kit on Feb 17, Ash Wednesday, starting at 4:30 or on Feb. 21 at 1PM at the church.

Love being on this journey with all of you,
Pastor Karyn
