Feb. 21: First Sunday in Lent & New Member Welcome!

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 On Feb. 21, we will have a special ZOOM Meeting worship at 10 AM, so that we can “be with” and see each other face to face on this first Sunday of Lent. Our theme for this worship is “Belovedness,” and our joy is that we will be welcoming some new members to the church! So, it is appropriate to gather around as best we are able as the body of Christ.

To join this worship, look for a different ZOOM Meeting link in the 2/18 Highlights (or ask Jackie, our church admin., to send it to you). We will not have our usual webinar worship. This is our slightly more chaotic, community-style gathering that reminds us that we are walking together, especially into this new season of self-reflection, repentance, and anticipation of new life.

THEN, let’s gather again! Feb. 21 is also our first Lenten Soup Supper devotion time at 6:00PM. The ZOOM link for this will also be in the Highlights. Every Sunday evening of Lent, we invite you to set your end of the Fauntleroy Church supper table and engage in conversation about how we can recenter ourselves in God’s love along God’s loving Way. These shorter devotion times are casual and meaningful for all ages. But mostly, they are an opportunity to break bread together. NOTE: We’ll use the materials in the “Lent at Home” bags as simple touchstones for these evenings. (And there are soup recipes to try!) You can pick up your kit on Ash Wednesday starting at 4:30 or on Feb. 21 at 1PM at the church.