Dear Friends,
This week’s focus scripture is Exodus 1:8—2:10 (or Matthew 16:13-20). Last week’s scripture introduced an unnamed woman who changed the trajectory of Jesus’ ministry—broke it open. This week’s scripture introduces more women who had the courage—and some cunning—to bend the arc of justice, too, more than 1,000 years before Christ. If it seems like women are often at the bends in God’s justice stream, maybe that’s because they had no choice but to become experts at navigating obstacles—“boulders”--like patriarchy, poverty, misogyny, and marginalization. Out of necessity, they learned to find the flow around boulders of injustice for their own survival or for the sake of children. And even their smallest acts of courage seemed to have had a ripple effect beyond their own needs that only God could see.
You’ll probably recognize the Sunday School at Home story as “The Birth of Moses.” It’s really about Shiphrah, Puah, Moses’ mom, Miriam, the Pharaoh’s daughter and the courage they tucked into Moses’ heart for later.
Got some of your courageous love tucked in mine!
Pastor Karyn
PS: Have you filled out the quick CE survey yet? It has a section for everyone and is so important to shaping faith formation ideas for fall, Advent and beyond. You can find it here: