Sunday, October 15, 2023 from 2-5pm
The Fauntleroy Fall Festival is an annual toast to the Fauntleroy neighborhood. The event started over 20 years ago in response to the unfortunate events of September 11th. Our neighborhood had changed; people were afraid. With new families moving in to the neighborhood, we decided to create a humble gathering of a few hundred neighbors for some family fun hopefully could spark a rebuilding of our community. This festival did help to rekindled our community and has blossomed into an annual free event that will welcome over a thousand neighbors in a celebration of goodwill and camaraderie.
Certain things have remained in our 20 year legacy - we have and always will try to be a free community event. Our committee is committed to making the event safe and fun for our neighbors and families. Our legacy activities - salmon hat making, pumpkin decorating and birdhouse building will persist. All the musical bands, food vendors and other events may change but will still be an integral part of the festival. We could not do this event without support from our community partners:
DSquared Hospitality Company, Endolyne Joe's, Fauntleroy Children's Center, Fauntleroy Church, Fauntleroy Community Association, Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, Garden Coaching Solutions, Pilates at Fauntleroy, The Birdhouse, West Seattle Nursery, and Wildwood Market
We also could not run the festival without the hundred or so volunteers who will be needed to make the festival a success. If you would like to volunteer even an hour of your time (and bring a friend!) check out our numerous opportunities at
As costs continue to raise to put on this festival, if you happen to make it to the event, please don't hesitate to donate in one of the bright orange boxes to keep this festival free. The committee and all the sponsors look forward to seeing you there rain or shine!