Sunday School from Home - March 7, 2021

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Dear friends,
Last Sunday we were doing two good things of many good things…

First, thanks to Sarah Finney and Sarah Ackers for rolling out our new pop-up Lenten Sunday School for our kids. And, yes, there were some ZOOM glitches, but we had a good group that followed the bread crumbs to a new link and joined the fun. And this was actually a good intro to the class! Last Sunday we talked about “following.” Who do we follow? Jesus basically asks his disciples that when he says, “Who do you say that I am?” Who do YOU say Jesus is?

This week kids will be wondering about John 2: 13-22. What does love look like when it needs to be peaceful? What does love look like when it needs to be powerful? Can love and anger go together? Another dream team is teaching this Sunday at 9:30: Bill Zoellner and Carolyn Tucker. Kids can look for the link in the Thursday Highlights. ZOOM Sunday School starts at 9:30 and is 30 minutes of friendship and faithful wondering. We’re done in time for worship at 10AM. To get the link, go to the weekly Highlights or contact the church office.

Second, we had another lovely Soup Supper gathering at 6PM. Our touchstone was a bulb as we talked about transformation and transfiguration in many ways. What does it take to step out of the noise of the world to notice God’s presence and to hear God’s voice? How do we plant ourselves in some Lenten holy ground so that we can plot our own resurrections?

Two suggestions (see attachment for Lenten challenge details)

  1. If you have a Lent at Home kit, plant your bulb and plot your own resurrection by remembering someone who has nurtured you and helped you flower.

  2. Consider setting aside regular time for Sabbath—even a mini-sabbath. Barbara Brown Taylor calls sabbath a mini-death and a tonic to the drive to be “productive.” She also warns that it is disconcerting because we are faced with our own soul’s questions when we get above that noise of the world. Lent is about recentering in that soul voice that is centered on God—aligning the inner voice with the outer voice of God.

Two good things among many good things on this Lenten journey. It’s a tonic for me to be walking with you.

Rev. Karyn Frazier

