We’re in the middle of this year’s Stewardship Campaign, and our theme is “Together in Spirit”, which reflects our experience in this pandemic time. We are delighted and grateful for how our church community has adapted and connected in new ways over the past year, and we look forward to gathering together again in both our traditional and online modes in the months ahead.
We believe pledging shapes the way we come together in spirit, and the impact we can make on healing the world. Pledged giving allows us to be intentional in shaping our budget for the coming year. It takes all of us giving together at whatever level is possible at this time in our lives to help the church both steward its resources and step out boldly in love.
Please complete your pledge card and mail it to the church. You may also send an email to treasurer@fauntleroyucc.org with your pledge information. Because our spring planning calendar is compressed, please pledge by May 9.
And we encourage you to tune in after worship on May 2 to preview the 2021-22 budget and ask your budget and pledging questions of our church treasurer Jeff VanGilder. You’ll also hear about a motion to sell the lower parsonage lot to fund needed repairs on the parsonage. This is an important opportunity to prepare your votes for our Annual Meeting in June.
Finally, mark your calendars for May 16, when we look forward to hosting a special Covid-safe celebration of the faith and generosity of our church community.
Your Stewardship Committee: Maria Groen, Glenn Seaverns, Molly Seaverns, Karyn Frazier, Steve Sundquist