Sunday School from Home - January 26, 2021

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Dear Friends,

This week’s focus scripture is Mark 1:21-28. After calling four disciples on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus’ next stop is a synagogue in Capernaum. The text says that the people were “astounded” or “amazed” by Jesus’ teaching there. Not just intrigued or curious or pleased or pleasantly surprised. They were astounded. Mark doesn’t tell us what Jesus was teaching, but he does tell us how that teaching came to life with “authority” as Jesus addressed demons who had possessed a man, and he ordered them to leave the man alone.

What I found myself wondering about this week was how long this “demon” had been hanging around in the synagogue? Had it just walked in the door? Been sitting in the pews a while? Did it sing in the choir? Or hang out at coffee hour? What, exactly, was this demon? And was Jesus the only one who had the power to call it out and send it packing?

I hope this lesson helps you—and any kids with you—to help me wonder about that and about the power of love.

AND speaking of powerful love, our Pastoral Intern Stevi Hamill would love for us all to send some love notes to the residents of Camp Second Chance in time for Valentine’s Day. Click on the PDF with this lesson and get a head-start on this surprise. More details are at the end of the Sunday School at Home lesson.

Loving walking with all of you,

Rev. Karyn Frazier

