Some Congregational Joys


Some great things have happened in our church over the last month. Here are a few of them:

1) Our Immigration Task Force helped UW students get a medical clinic for immigrants seeking asylum ready for service by providing furnishings and volunteer time to seek, collect and deliver it all. Hear more about it by visiting our church YouTube page and watching the video shared by Dianne Sprague and Bob Wyss, Immigration Task Force Co-Chairs, during the announcements for our April 25 worship service.

2) Sound Foundations has done incredible work this winter at the Hope Factory (their new, expanded space for building tiny homes in SODO). Make sure to join virtual worship on 5/16 to hear Barb Oliver talk about good progress to end homelessness!

3) Over 480 cars and many walk-ups took advantage of our Recycle Roundup event on April 25. While caring for the earth, the event also yielded $2963.88 in donations. Thanks to our wonderful Sisters group volunteers who worked the event, sharing in the mission our church engages in the world.

4) Thank you to Jenny Mandt and our Grounds Crew Volunteers for all your work keeping the church grounds looking nice! And thank you to Phil Sweetland, Bud Schwinger, our Facilities Ministry and other volunteers for your work inside the church, making sure things are kept up and problems addressed. Because of all these volunteers, we’ve managed to go an entire year without having to hire a new, full-time custodian while we are largely not in the building. This was a tremendous help to the budget!