Update: Facilities Ministry Work Party - a huge success!

The Facilities Ministry and volunteers had been waiting for the right weather on a Saturday to get a number of issues squared away on the building and grounds. The main project was to dig a French drain by the fire lane behind the church. We had a wonderful volunteer from the community expertly dig the ditch with a small backhoe and three workers from Casa Latina help to get it done in one day. Thanks to Bruce Jones and Tim Hossner for their leadership. Also, a big thanks to Mike Bevers, Chuck Sawyer, Ken Beres, Gordy Mandt and Jamie Bilinski for hauling yards of gravel and laying seventy-five feet of drainpipe. Glenn and Molly Seaverns limbed up the cedar tree over the shed and Glenn climbed on its roof and got it all cleaned off for winter. Marilynn and Al Bernahl tacked up screen on all the outside building vents to keep the critters out. Tim, with Gordy and Chuck holding a ladder, repaired one of the Gym’s soffits that had come apart. The two roofs over the kitchen and Fellowship Hall were cleaned off, a small tree near those roofs was cut down and the gutters cleaned out. Marilynn, Jamie, and I tackled a few dead tree branches that were on the parsonage lot. All in all, we got so much accomplished!  As the saying goes “many hands make light work.”

Jenny Mandt, Co-Chair
