Advent Devotional Prompts: Week 3

Holy Darkness, Blessed Night

Thank You to everyone who has checked out the first two weeks of questions and sent a response for the Devotional. There is still time to respond to the Prompts from either of the first two weeks or to check out the questions for week Three. You can answer one or all of the questions or just the ones that peak your interest or touch your heart the most. The more responses we get the more meaningful the Devotional will be. Please send your responses to Carolyn Tucker at

1. Describe the Best Christmas Gift you have either given or received. What Inspired the gift, what made it special?

2. How does the Advent Season Awaken you to new possibilities

3. The Three Wise Men brought Gifts for the Baby Jesus, If you were to bring a gift what would it be and why would you choose it

4. Describe an Unforgettable Christmas Dilemma. How did you find your way out of its knot. Was there a surprising ending or did the solution come from a Surprising Source?

5. Tell us about a Memorable Christmas Trip

6. The Three Wise Men were overcome with awe as they followed the Christmas Star. Describe a Time when you were filled with Spiritual Wonder

In case you missed them…

Week 2 Prompts:

(1) Some say music speaks right to our Hearts. Share a bit about your Favorite Carol. How is it woven into your Christmas memory or memories?

(2) Sometimes we have a special person in our lives whom we might call “Anam Cara” -a friend of the heart (often those wise and tender ones who shared our struggles & joys and seem to know us better than we know ourselves) As you remember the people in your life this Christmas, who comes to mind as your “Anam Cara”? Share a special memory of this special person?

(3) When you imagine the voice of God, what does it sound like this Season?

(4) What are you listening for this Advent Season?

(5) Think about that Sights, Sounds, Scents, Tastes of the Holiday Season, Think about the feelings and memories that they evoke and describe them

(6) Tell your favorite Christmas Story

Take a walk, Consider the sounds, scents and scenery of the Holiday Season. Maybe try your hand at a Poem that says it sounds like, it smells like, ...

Week 1 Prompts:

1. Share a Christmas-time experience where your pace slowed and the presence of the Divine made itself known to you. Think expansively about that term Divine and the presence of God, for God comes to us in all kinds of ways.

2. Paint a picture for us (with your words) of an ideal Christmas Moment that you’ve experienced and a hard Christmas Moment you experienced and how you felt the presence of God in each

3. In this Season of longer, darker days, when and how do you find joy? 

4. During Advent, have you ever received a surprise? Perhaps getting a Christmas card from someone with whom you've been out of touch? Or, you paused to notice something you weren’t expecting? What was meaningful about this surprise? How did it make you feel?

5. How are Surprises Portrayed in the Christmas Story? How do you feel About Christmas-time surprises?

6. When and How do you sense the presence of God most? In the Darkness, In the Light?

Write a Poem about  “Holy Darkness, Blessed Night"