Holy Darkness, Blessed Night
Last Monday (the 18th) the first prompts were sent out in a special e-mail but can also be found on the blog by clicking on the link in the Highlights or going to our Fauntleroy Church Website and clicking on the Congregator. It is not to late to take a look and write and submit a reflection on any or all of those questions. This weeks Prompts are below. The Advent Devotional will only be a success and meaningful if you share your wonderful memories, thoughts and reflections. Please send your responses to Carolyn Tucker at deanocarolyn@gmail.com. I am looking forward to reading all that you have to share.
(1) Some say music speaks right to our Hearts. Share a bit about your Favorite Carol. How is it woven into your Christmas memory or memories?
(2) Sometimes we have a special person in our lives whom we might call “Anam Cara” -a friend of the heart (often those wise and tender ones who shared our struggles & joys and seem to know us better than we know ourselves) As you remember the people in your life this Christmas, who comes to mind as your “Anam Cara”? Share a special memory of this special person?
(3) When you imagine the voice of God, what does it sound like this Season?
(4) What are you listening for this Advent Season?
(5) Think about that Sights, Sounds, Scents, Tastes of the Holiday Season, Think about the feelings and memories that they evoke and describe them
(6) Tell your favorite Christmas Story
Take a walk, Consider the sounds, scents and scenery of the Holiday Season. Maybe try your hand at a Poem that says it sounds like, it smells like, ...