THIS SUNDAY AT 10:00 AM: CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PAGEANT WORSHIP ON YOUTUBE ONLY. Some say that the Christmas season doesn’t start until the pageant starts. Well, this is the Sunday of our Children’s Christmas Pageant video worship! NO webinar this Sunday, but go to our Fauntleroy Church YouTube webpage to see this gift that Bron, the young, and the young at heart of this church have been preparing for you. “A Pandemic Christmas” opens with a virtual Advent Calendar, and behind each of the 24 doors are sweet treats of love: some ZOOM kid chaos, jokes, story moments, sing-a-longs, two crazy camels, the Christmas story, and a virtually-live nativity scene that will push back on all of the things boxing us in. It’s been a creative challenge and great joy to put this “outside of the box” gift together child by child and line by line. A HUGE thank you to Bron Edwards for the many, many hours of creating, filming, and editing work it has taken to bring us this early Christmas gift.
Here is the direct link to our Fauntleroy Church YouTube channel:
PRAYER REMINDER: During this Sunday’s worship, if you have joys or concerns you’d like lifted up, you can share those by emailing Pastor Karyn ([][1]) or Pastor Leah ([][2]) in advance or texting Bron on Sunday morning. You can also add prayer requests to the “chat” in the ZOOM webinar during Sunday worship.
If you need help accessing the virtual worship services on Zoom, please contact Sarah Ackers by Friday afternoon. She will find someone to assist you.”