Virtual Palm Sunday Worship - March 28, 2021

Palm Sunday Palms 2021.jpg

JOIN US AT 10 AM FOR VIRTUAL WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 28, WHICH IS PALM SUNDAY. The Worship Service for this day (on Zoom Webinars) will follow the palm to passion story.  Rev. Leah Atkinson Bilinski will be preaching, and some special musical pieces will be shared by Trillium Soul, Conrad Wesselhoeft and Jeff VanGilder. To join the worship on Zoom Webinars, please find the link in the Thursday Highlights or contact the church office.

You can also join us on YouTube at

CHANGE ALERT: The Palm Sunday parking lot drive-thru communion and palm procession has been cancelled due to heavy rain and strong winds.

Given the cancellation of the drive-thru communion and palm procession, we will be having Coffee Hour following worship. Check the highlights for the Zoom link.

If you need help accessing the virtual worship services on Zoom, please contact Sarah Ackers by Friday afternoon. She will find someone to assist you.