
Mask Optional Policy

As of November 27th, 2022, Fauntleroy Church has implemented a mask optional policy for all church worship, events and activities except during periods when the Seattle area community level of COVID transmission becomes high/red.

This council decision was based on the results of a November 2022 survey, which confirmed:

1) The high percentage of congregants who have received vaccination and boosters that reduce the risk of severe COVID.

2) the high degree of continued care individuals expect to make in their choices around masking, attendance and other engaged behavior.

3) The willingness expressed to engage some additional actions to care for one another that are providing shape to this mask optional decision.

We will continue to take additional steps to help protect against disease transmission, including the creation of a mask-only area in the sanctuary during worship, contract tracing, and making masks available for those who forget theirs and would like to wear one.

Please see the attached letter here for additional considerations and details regarding this policy.