Sunday School from Home - January 21, 2021

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Dear Friends,

This week there are two scripture stories about fish: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 (you really should read the whole thing!) and Mark 1:14-20. The stories give us the lectionary equivalent of two sides of a coin. In one God calls, and a very reluctant prophet runs in the opposite direction only to find himself spending 3 days “digesting” his decision while God sets him back on course. In the other, the Son of God calls a pair of fishermen, lowest on the social ladder, and they eagerly drop everything and follow even though they aren’t sure where the course of Jesus’ ministry will take them.

In this inauguration week, are you hearing a call to turn around or to step out? Is there anything we keep running from that needs to be faced head on? Is there anything that needs to be dropped to make room for something new?

Glad to be walking this good Way with you,

Rev. Karyn Frazier
