Sunday Morning Hybrid Worship Service - January 2

THIS SUNDAY, January 2nd, PLEASE JOIN US AT 10:00 FOR OUR WORSHIP SERVICE, where Rev. Karyn Frazier will preach and you’ll be invited to participate in communion.

You can worship in person in our sanctuary, or you can worship online via the church’s YouTube Channel, which is:

PRAYER REMINDER. During this Sunday’s worship, if you have joys or concerns, you’d like lifted up, you can fill out a prayer request card and an usher will collect it during the service. You can also submit a prayer request on the church website: The online form gives you options for how you would like your prayers to be shared. Or during our in-person worship, you’ll find prayer request cards in the pews that you can fill out and hand to an usher at the prayer time. Text messages and emails will no longer be received during the worship service. Please note that if you’d like your prayer specifically shared in worship (and not just with pastors, the prayer chain team or those receiving the church Highlights email), you’ll need to tell us that. Also, please be aware that prayers shared in worship are now broadcast and recorded for all to hear.