Outdoor Summer Sunday School Fun!

OUTDOOR SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL WAS SO FUN! Thank you to Lisa, Cindy, Eliza, and Hannah for creating such a great space of fellowship and fun. Every week of Sunday School, we are learning a new word for Peace or Welcome. Last Sunday our word was big, bright and beautiful like a party: ALOHA! Aloha means “hello” and “goodbye” and “welcome” all at the same time. And it’s a word with the breath of God within it, just as the breath of God is within us, too.

This week our special peace word is UBUNTU! This word means we are all connected like pieces in a puzzle or like the part of the body. And every piece is essential to the whole! You have gifts from God that help me, and I have gifts from God that help you. As you can imagine, our morning will require using every part of ourselves to learn about being in community. Even our snack will help us bring our lesson pieces together into something unexpectedly delicious.

Summer Sunday School is a multi-age camp-like program planned for PreK-5th graders. Families can check kids in to Sunday School at Fellowship Hall beginning at 9:45. Once we’ve gathered everyone and washed hands, we head outside for some fellowship, faith stories, fun, and some healthy fresh air.

All volunteer leaders are vaccinated and will wear masks. All kids need to wear masks, too, unless there’s an underlying issue that prevents this. Also, please dress for outdoor play! After worship, parents pick kids up in the upper middle parking lot. Look for the big blue canopy and fence full of welcoming words that the Seaside Sisters created just for us.

AND FOR OUR YOUNGEST ONES, NURSERY CARE IS AVAILABLE, TOO, on Sunday mornings. Carol Smith is back and everything’s ready for our young ones, infant thru age 3. Nursery attendants are vaccinated and will wear masks, and while masks are always encouraged for all ages, they are not required for these younger children. To check your child in for nursery care, enter the main church doors to the lobby and head up the stairs to your right. The nursery is on the right at the top of the stairs.