9:30 Zoom Lenten Sunday School for Kids

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Dear friends,

Thank you, Lisa Corbin and Sarah Finney, for leading Sunday School last Sunday! It’s perfect that you were talking about how we can make God’s love visible on our Lenten journey together. I wonder how many took up the challenge to bring some food by the Welcome Table in White Center? That’s a challenge we can do this week and the next and the next. That on-going love will always be appreciated.

This week’s teachers are the marvelous Vicky Ellis and Carolyn Tucker. Sunday mornings at 9:30 have become a great place for kids to say hello before church, to dig into some ideas or stories in the bible together, to see what we can learn from each other. It’s a short, but great chance to be together this Lent.

If your kids join in the fun this week, they might want to have a few supplies on hand: paper, markers, and something with a straight edge. Our focus scripture is Jeremiah 31:31-34 where God tells the prophet Jeremiah that the next covenant of love will be written on our hearts. As a child, Jesus must have learned Jeremiah’s words by heart because he quoted them when he talked about God’s love being in our hearts. When people didn’t understand (or listen to) his words, Jesus made God’s love and every prophet’s words about love vibrant and visible to everyone—from “the least to the greatest.”

We’ll talk more about that visible, vibrant love this Sunday at 9:30! To get the link, please go to the Thursday Highlights or contact the church office.

Rev. Karyn Frazier